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Integrity and Compliance

General manager's speech
Direction for use
Basic Requirements
(2)Conflict of interest
(3)Confidentiality and data protection
(5)Fair business behavior
(6)Health and safety
(7)Fair labor
General manager's speech

China Hansom Inspection&Certificate Co., LTD. is headquartered in Beijing, the capital of China, is a global independent third-party inspection and certification body.In the process of the development of the company,we have always provided customers with convenient, fast, impartial and confidential third-party inspection and certification services.Adhering to the corporate culture of "convenient, harmonious, impartial, confidential" and business philosophy of" avoiding risk and compliance results,towards the global credibility of the inspection and certification body forward.

The special nature of the company's business determines that integrity compliance is not only a solid guarantee for the steady development of the company, but also the lifeline of the company based on the industry.To this end, we always adhere to the concept of integrity and compliance above everything else, and ensure that integrity and compliance runs through all aspects of operation and management, business activities and employee positions.The management and employees of the company should have a deep understanding of the compliance concept, shoulder the compliance responsibility, implement the compliance behavior to every post, and abiding by the rules and keeping promises has become the code of conduct in our daily work.

The“Integrity and Compliance Manual of China Hansom Inspection&Certificate Co.,LTD” provides a clear action guide for all employees, and every employee should strictly comply with it.Under the guidance of the compliance management system, let us enjoy the high-quality and CHIC life together!

China Hansom Inspection&Certificate Co.,LTD

General Manager:Wang Donghai

(1)Who needs to follow the “Integrity and Compliance Manual?”

The “Integrity Compliance Manual ”is applicable to all employees of China Hansom Inspection&Certificate Co.,LTD, including senior executives and grassroots employees.The Company encourages and recommends that its partners and participating companies also comply with the compliance standards stipulated in the “Integrity Compliance Manual” to ensure the legal compliance of its business operations.

(2)How do employees comply with the “Integrity and Compliance Manual”?

Every employee has the responsibility to carefully read the “Integrity and Compliance Manual”, understand the basic requirements and specific provisions on employee behavior, and abide by these regulations at work, and promise to abide by them.The company requires its employees to attend regular compliance training.Employees will not suffer demotion, punishment or any other adverse consequences due to strict enforcement of the “Manual” and relevant compliance systems, even if business loss may occur.

The leadership should take the initiative to create an atmosphere of compliance, and drive all staff to abide by the integrity and compliance with their own exemplary role.Leaders should guide and supervise subordinate employees to strictly abide by the “Integrity Compliance Manual”, regularly communicate with employees on compliance performance, and treat their opinions and suggestions correctly.

(3)How to report violations of” the Integrity and Compliance Manual”?

The company set up a telephone and E-mail to accept reports.Informants can report problems under their real names or anonymously through oral, written or E-mail channels.The Company will carefully investigate, give feedback on the results, record and file them, fully protect the employees who submit the reports and prevent any form of retaliation unless the employees act in bad faith or not in good faith.

Report hotline:

Receiving reporting department: Compliance Committee of China Hansom Inspection& Certificate Co.,LTD

Receive reporting telephone number:16619862688

Receiving reporting mailbox:feedback@chic-global.com

Mailing address: 12-03,3rd Floor, No.7, Jianguomennei Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

(4)What are the penalties for violating the “Integrity and Compliance Manual”?

Employees who violate the relevant provisions of the “Integrity Compliance Manual” will be given disciplinary action according to the relevant provisions of the company until the termination of labor relationship.The improper economic benefits obtained by the employee shall be returned; the losses caused to the company shall be liable for compensation.If they are suspected of committing crimes, they will be transferred to judicial organs for legal responsibility.

(5)How do employees seek help when they have problems with the “Manual”?

The company has set up a special support hotline and email address for employees to get help when encountering problems related to the “Integrity Compliance Manual”, and welcome them to provide feedback and commentsduring the implementation of the “Integrity Compliance Manual”.The privacy of employees will be strictly protected, any problems will be handled as confidential, and the identity of employees will not be disclosed.The company will document and file employee inquiries, feedback and advice.

Employee Help Hotline:

Receiving consulting department: Compliance Committee of China Hansom Inspction&Certificate Co.,LTD

Receive consultation telephone number:010-53652227

Receive consulting mailbox:feedback@chic-global.com

Mailing address: 12-03,3rd Floor, No.7, Jianguomennei Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing


SN/T 2466.1-2011 进出口商品装卸鉴定规程
件杂货装船监装检验工作规范 RSIC-WI(SOP)-05-2019-01


SN/T 2466.1-2011 进出口商品装卸鉴定规程

Integrity is the foundation of our survival, but also the company's most precious wealth of the company. We require the management and all employees to uphold the principle of integrity and conduct all activities in a professional, independent,impartial,faithful and diligent manner.Practice in good faith and does not tolerate any deviation from approval methods and procedures; provide guidance to clients who want members to tolerate abuse errors to change results.

Integrity compliance。We should treat ourselves, and our colleagues and customers sincerely and uphold ethic.All staff should strictly comply with contracts, standards, procedures and regulations to ensure that the data and results are authentic.In the process of inspection, testing and certification, no false examination or false verification is prohibited to obtain professional qualifications by fraudulent means, tamper with the inspection, testing and certification results, provide false reports, certificates and other documents, and no documents, seals and logos shall be used in violation of regulations.

Justice and independence。All employees shall maintain impartiality and independence while engaging in relevant activities.It is strictly prohibited to engage in all activities that violate the independence and impartiality of professional judgment, establish or maintain a relationship with relevant parties that affects the impartiality and independence of business, and managers shall not exert improper pressure on the business personnel of the company to affect the quality of business and hinder the impartiality of business activities.

Conflicts of interest in business activities and management decisions may lead to deviations in decisions and business results.So the company provides guidance to its employees to avoid possible or possible conflicts of interest in business transactions and services.If the employee is aware of a conflict of interest or possibility, the employee shall report the situation to the Compliance Supervisor or the Compliance Committee as soon as possible.

Restricting competition.Employees shall not engage in business in conflict with the company's business scope without permission,do not establish or maintain any direct or indirect financial or commercial relationship with its competitors or customers.Neither shall it participate in self-operation, joint venture or activities competing on the business of the company by operating on behalf of others, nor shall it provide any assistance to competitors, relatives or hold any position in competitors or customer units.

Conflicts of interest of different companies and departments.The Company and its employees shall avoid conflicts of interest that may arise when different departments or companies compete for the same customer, providing services for the same customer, or providing services to each other.

Conflicting interests of the family members.Employees may not engage in any corporate business with or with any individuals or organizations associated with their family members. Family members of employees shall not be employed without the approval of the company's management.

Profit demand.Employees shall not solicit benefits directly or through relatives, friends or intermediaries from suppliers, customers or competitors (except in the open securities market), and shall not exert significant influence on customers, suppliers or competitors, nor shall they excessively rely on their financial position.

Disclosure and avoidance.In case of a conflict of interest, the relevant units, departments or personnel shall first disclose the conflict to the competent authorities.In the case of the existing or possible interest relationship with the customer, the employee shall actively apply for withdrawal, otherwise, the employee's unit and department of the employee shall instruct them to withdraw.

We understand the importance of customer information for our customers,respect the confidentiality and privacy of customer information, and ensure that there are appropriate processes to adequately protect such information.

Confidentiality Agreement Requirements.Each employee is required to sign a confidentiality agreement and promises not to disclose confidential business information obtained during their work to unrelated parties under any circumstances.Even if the labor relationship ends, the employee shall still comply with the legal provisions and the confidentiality obligations in the labor contract

Business partners' confidentiality responsibility.In cooperation or trading with intermediaries, joint venture partners, agents, subcontractors, franchises, contractors and suppliers, these partners may have access to and process the group's confidential business information.It is the responsibility of companies and employees to ensure that these business partners understand the company's confidentiality regulations and data protection requirements and prevent them from disclosing confidential information to other parties.

Conservative confidential responsibility.Employees must pay attention to the occasion and object when discussing sensitive information such as customer information, financial status, investment situation, strategic planning, program plan, so as to avoid disclosure of confidential information.Employees shall not use or share confidential customer information and technical documents, nor shall they allow personnel unrelated to the business to access the original records and other technical data.Employees shall not disclose the customer's business and technical information, including inspection, certification results, to any third party without the written consent or legal permission of the Client.

Confidentiality protection measures.To ensure the security of confidential business information, companies must implement adequate security measures where this information is stored and on internal networks to ensure that only authorized personnel have access;At the same time, files or data must be stored in a specified secure area and processed in a secure manner.

Commercial bribery will have a serious impact on the interests and reputation of the company.The Company strictly forbids employees from providing or accepting improper benefits in any way to customers, agents, contractors, suppliers, and government officials.At the same time, the company ensures that its anti-commercial bribery policies comply with the “TIC COUNCIL Compliance Standards” and local anti-commercial bribery laws.

Commercial bribery is prohibited.All employees shall not accept kickbacks, gifts, banquets, travel and other benefits from customers or other business partners, nor shall they claim improper fees or benefits from them in any way.Employees shall not reimburse customers or business partners for the expenses that should be borne by themselves or the company, nor shall they sell the products of individuals or relatives and friends. In addition, employees must not provide improper benefits to customers, business partners, or government officials.

Financial specification.All employees must abide by financial discipline, prohibit personal storage of company funds, shall not use public funds for personal travel, consumption entertainment and other activities unrelated to official business, shall not overspend official reception and job consumption, shall not conduct fictitious business or issue false invoices, and shall not privately retain funds to form a "small Treasury".

Political donations.Strictly neutral in all political operations of the country. Do not donate funds and resources to any political group, officials or candidates for public office in any country, and do not support any political campaign. Does not support any religious organization

Charitable donations and sponsorships.The company and its employees shall not use charitable donations and sponsorship to cover up bribery or evade legal responsibility. For such donations or sponsorship, the company shall establish a separate account and record the details.

Dredge fee.Dreg fees are small amounts of money paid to government officials to speed up routine government formalities, which is a form of bribery. The company and its employees should actively eliminate the existence of dredging fees.

Gifts, hospitality, and overhead.The company and its employees are strictly prohibited from providing or accepting gifts, hospitality or other unreasonable expenses that may affect business transactions.

Records and reports.If the company or the employee accepts improper benefits or engage in improper behavior under any circumstances, it must make a true, accurate and complete record and timely report to the competent authorities. The employee is responsible to report any improper payments or benefits.

The company and its employees shall earnestly abide by business ethics and integrity standards, strictly abide by market rules and laws and regulations, conduct fair and orderly competition with competitors, and is strictly prohibited to engage in unfair competition, monopoly or bidding violation of the rules.The Company shall provide clear guidance to employees, agents and intermediaries to ensure that they understand and comply with the relevant provisions of fair business practices in order to comply with the” TIC COUNCIL Compliance Guidelines” and local anti-commercial bribery legal requirements.

Resist against unfair competition.Unhonest competition refers to the act that interferes with the market order and damages the legitimate rights and interests of other business operators or consumers in business activities.All countries including China have enacted anti-unfair competition laws.We must strictly abide by these rules and compete legally.The company's business statements and publications must accurately reflect its network, resources, capabilities, services, etc., and shall not make false publicity about its competitors, business, services or products.

Eliminate monopoly.Monopolistic behaviors undermine fair competition, reduce economic efficiency, and harm the interests of consumers and society.Companies and employees shall avoid reaching monopoly agreements with competitors and shall not discuss with competitors about pricing, cost, production, marketing or business strategies.

Abide by business rules.The company and its employees shall not induce others to breach the contract (including confidential business), shall not use advertisements to make false publicity, and their participation in bidding activities shall be legal and compliant. It shall not abuse its dominant position or harm the interests of customers, suppliers, intermediaries, subcontractors, contractors and other commercial partners in improper ways, and shall not put forward obvious unreasonable requirements.

Respect for intellectual property rights and trade secrets.Intellectual property rights are intangible assets protected by law.The company and its employees shall respect the intellectual property rights, pay attention to and protect the customer information and trade secrets contacted in the business, prohibit the disclosure, and shall not engage in commercial espionage and data theft activities, or steal the intellectual property rights and trade secrets of competitors.

The company actively practices its social responsibility, establishes health and safety policies that meet legal standards, and makes every effort to protect the health and safety of employees, customers and third parties. The company provides health and safety training for employees to adapt to the working environment.

Occupational safety.The company shall provide labor safety conditions and necessary labor protection equipment that meet the legal requirements to prevent work accidents and reduce occupational risks.The company and its employees shall comply with the safety operation regulations to ensure the safety of personnel, equipment and the environment.All units and departments shall organize and support employees to receive relevant occupational safety and health training, and encourage employees to take necessary occupational hazard protection measures to protect the health and safety of employees, customers and third parties.

Accident monitoring and reporting.he company attaches great importance to the personal safety and health of employees, customers and third parties, and implements necessary measures to monitor and prevent accidents to reduce the risks of business operation.The Company encourages employees to report health and safety related incidents, record and investigate, and take corrective actions if necessary.

The company is aware of its social responsibility to employees, the public, local communities and the environment and adheres to human rights values. Within the company, every employee is an equal.

Equal opportunity comes first.None of corporate mechanisms for recruitment, promotion, rewards, and penalties are influenced by race, nationality, sex, age, belief, genetic information, disability, or other factors unrelated to job performance.

Strictly abide by the labor laws and regulations.The company signs, implements, changes, rescinds or terminates the labor contracts with the employees according to law. The company adheres to the minimum wage standard and the maximum working hour system, never hire underage workers, nor force employees to do any work.

Focus on the working environment.The company respects the personality of its employees and holds a zero-tolerance position for any form of abuse, bullying or harassment in the workplace. Employees must abide by the work discipline, shall not drink alcohol during the work, and shall not carry out activities unrelated to the work.